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May 7, 2022
The 2nd cohort of students in the Psychological Sciences Honors Program presented their research findings at our annual poster session. The poster session was well-attended by faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Everyone agreed that our honors students did an excellent job of...
April 27, 2022
Sarah Depaoli published an article in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. This work comprised a portion of Sonja Winter's dissertation, who is now a postdoctoral scholar at University of Missouri. The article examines the impact of Bayesian prior specification on newly...
April 27, 2022
Martin Hagger published an article in Behavior Research and Therapy (IF = 4.473) reviewing the contribution of psycholological theory to predict, understand, and change COVID-19 preventive behaviors (e.g., vaccination, physical distancing, face-mask wearing). Published with collaborator, HSRI...
April 27, 2022
Sarah Depaoli published an article in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. This work was from Marieke Visser's CP. The article presents method for detecting and handling local dependence in latent class modeling.
April 27, 2022
Martin Hagger invited to submit an article to Annual Review of Psychology (IF = 24.14) on Psychological Determinants of Health Behaviors for Volume 76 of the journal in 2023-2024. Annual Review of Psychology is a leading review journal in psychology in publication since 1950, and covers the...
April 27, 2022
Martin Hagger was awarded a research grant of €130,000 from the Finland Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture for a collaborative theory-based intervention to promote physical activity among sedentary parents and their children (ProAct). Dr. Hagger is the Lead Principal Investigator in...
April 27, 2022
Haiyan Liu and Sarah Depaoli published a paper with their graduate student, Lydia Marvin on the performance of the deviance information criterion for detecting the correct model in Bayesian structural equation modeling. Many pitfalls of this popular index are detailed, as well as potential...
April 27, 2022
Martin Hagger published an article in PLoS ONE (Impact Factor = 3.240). The article introduces the Vaccination Concerns in COVID-19 Scale (VaCCS) and describes its development and validation for use as a full scale or as individual sub-scales. The article is co-authored with UC Merced HSRI member...
April 27, 2022
Martin Hagger published an article in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (IF = 4.376) reporting 12 experiment showing that perceptions of auditory loudness is bidiractionally linked to feelings of interpersonal closeness (e.g., warmth, comfort, inclusion). This article was with his former...
