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September 28, 2022
September 15, 2022
Martin Hagger published an article in Annals of Behavioral Medicine on on a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to promote COVID-19 prevention behaviors using imagery, persuasive communication, and planning. This was with collaborators from Griffith University and University of the...
September 15, 2022
Heather Bortfeld published an article on fNIRS applications in the domain of human brain function. Appears in flagship journal for Society for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (SfNIRS) and provides a comprehensive overview.
September 7, 2022
Two UC Merced doctoral students and three undergraduate alumni have each earned a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRFP). The fellowships are highly competitive, with annual acceptance rates of about 16% from among more than 12,000 applicants. The five-year fellowship...
August 25, 2022
An article co-authored by Martin Hagger was awarded the Behavioral Sciences 2020 Best Paper Award. The article is entitled "Social Cognition and Socioecological Predictors of Home-Based Physical Activity Intentions, Planning, and Habits during the COVID-19 Pandemic" and is open access:...
August 25, 2022
Martin Hagger published an article in European Journal of Health Psychology on the factors associated with use of neuroenhancers (e.g., Adderall, Ritalin) in students with colleagues from the University of Rome, Italy.   Galli, F., Chirico, A., Mallia, L., Alivernini, F., Manganelli, S...
August 25, 2022
Dylan was awarded the Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellowship where he attend UC Santa Barbara for about 10 days to gain training in the field of cognitive neuroscience, specifically focusing on attention research.
August 25, 2022
Martin Hagger published an article in Psychology and Health Psychology on predictors of US parents' motivation and behavior to protect their children from COVID-19. This was published in collaboration with colleagues from Education University of Hong Kong. Wan, A. W. L., Hagger, M. S., Zhang...
August 25, 2022
Allison Temourian's paper published on reasons why dual users may use e-cigarettes and how this relates to both combustible cigarette and e-cigarette consumption. Temourian, A.A., Song, A.V., Halliday, D.M., Gonzalez, M., & Epperson, A.E. (...
August 25, 2022
Publication based on Patty Cabral's dissertation linking early pre-dating behavior and sex initiation in Latina/o adolescents.   Cabral, P., Wallander, J.L., Elliott, M.N., & Schuster, M.A. (2022). Longitudinal associations among parent-child communication, dating behaviors,...
