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September 1, 2020
Sivenesi Subramoney was awarded a 3-year fellowship from the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust. This award will be used to support her research examine instnaces emotion brokering, in which an individual, typically a child, translates the emotion norms of a differnt culture for a...
August 6, 2020
We are very pleased to announce that Lukas Lopez, a PhD candidate in Developmental Psychology is the recipient of the Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship for 2020-21.    The Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship (GDDF) program is intended for students in...
July 30, 2020
Peter Reschke, PhD, a graduate of the Developmental Psychology Program received Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the International Congress on Infant Studies.
July 26, 2020
Since 2011, the Hellman Fellows Fund has provided close to 60 UC Merced assistant professors with much-needed research support in the form of seed funding. The prestigious Hellman Fellowship has launched countless careers at UC Merced and across the UC system. Now, thanks to a generous new $3.5...
July 8, 2020
UC Merced graduate students Anabel Castillo, Veronica Lerma and Sammy Villa are recipients of the University of California’s inaugural President’s Pre-Professoriate Fellowship (PPPF). The UC Office of the President launched the PPPF as part of its UC-Hispanic Serving Institutions Doctoral Diversity...
June 10, 2020
Professor Matthew Zawadzki is with the Department of Psychological Sciences in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. His research examines social psychological processes as applied to health. This is the second of two parts. These are unusual times. In the midst of a pandemic that has...
June 6, 2020
Dr. Anna Song, in her capacity as the director of the UC Merced Nicotine and Cannabis Policy Center (NCPC), gave an interview to California's Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program about the disporportionate impact of COVID-19 on smokers.
June 3, 2020
Professor Matthew Zawadzki is with the Department of Psychological Sciences in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. His research examines social psychological processes as applied to health. This is the first of a two-part discussion. These are unusual times. In the midst of a...
June 3, 2020
Two UC Merced Ph.D. students, a recent undergraduate and an alumna have each been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). The fellowship provides multiyear support to predoctoral students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The...
May 19, 2020
Dr. Ross Avilla recieved one of only four grants from the Non-Senate Academics Council (NASC) for his project "First Generation Student Research Lab" to support undergradaute reserach training in psychology. 
