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December 17, 2019
Former graduate student Jennifer Knothe and Professor Eric Walle published a chapter in the book, “The Social Nature of Emotional Expression.” Their chapter, “The relational aboutness of emotions in interpersonal contexts,” discusses how emotional communication directs and...
December 14, 2019
On Saturday 12/14, the first-year Psychological Science students, together with their peer-mentors, spent an evening at the Bellevue Bowl. They were celebrating the completion of their first semester in the graduate program. This outing was organized as part of the Grad-EXCEL program, which is...
December 4, 2019
Dr. Meaghan Altman is featured in an article from Education Dive "Mastering the art of teaching introductory courses." She discusses her approach to teaching and how she keeps students engaged.
November 18, 2019
UC Merced health experts will join other Central Valley medical leaders on Friday, Nov. 22, for the Rural Poverty and Health Equity Summit in Delano. Professor Nancy Burke, chair of the Department of Public Health at UC Merced, is a featured speaker and will be part of the event’s opening panel...
October 25, 2019
Dr. Sarah Depaoli has been appointed as a Visiting Distinguished Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Methods Center, at the University of Tübingen, Germany. The official appointment is from October 2019 to September 2022. The goal is to construct an interdisciplinary,...
October 18, 2019
A paper by Dr. Haiyan Liu recieved the 2019 Tanaka Award from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for the best article in Multivariate Behavioral Research:  Liu, H., Jin, I. H., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Structural Equation Modeling of Social Networks: Specification,...
September 6, 2019
Professor Anna Song — whose area of expertise includes e-cigarettes and tobacco use — explains the risks of vaping in an article in the Modesto Bee. These risks span from how the chemical compounds affect the pulmonary system to neurological effects that will hamper development in teens...
August 27, 2019
Dr. Deborah Weibe and Dr. Eric Walle both received awards from the University of California, Merced academic senate in recognition for their outstanding accomplishments. Dr. Wiebe won the Distinction in Research Award. Dr. Walle received the Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award. They...
August 7, 2019
Research by health psychology Professor Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook was recently featured on the Conversation. The article describes recent research by Professor Hahn-Holbrook and colleagues examining the relationship between breast milk and the development of circadian rhythms in young infants.
July 29, 2019
Health psychology graduate student Maria Ramirez Loyala recently co-authored an article on diabetes distress for Healthy Living, a publicaiton of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. The article is intended to help friends and family of individuals with diabetes recognize the symptoms of...
