Maria obtained her B.A. in Psychology at UC Riverside in 2016 and her M.A. in Psychological Sciences at UC Merced in 2018. She is currently working with Dr. Deborah Wiebe as a graduate student in Health Psychology. Maria’s current research interests include the resilience process of stress, emotion regulation, coping, and health during the high-risk developmental period of emerging adulthood. Most of Maria’s current research has focused on examining resiliency processes in the context of coping with the stress of chronic illness management during early emerging adulthood. To date, Maria has predominantly worked with intensive multilevel (i.e., between- and within-person) data across time in order to better understand how stress and resilience processes play out in daily life. Maria has also begun to extend her research into understanding the role of these resilience processes in the sociocultural context of Latino emerging adults. Maria’s ultimate research goal is to enhance efforts aimed at reducing Latino health disparities by understanding sources of resilience among Latino emerging adults during times of chronic stress.