Regina Langhout, a professor of developmental psychology at UC Santa Cruz, will be presenting a talk entitled, "Violence Against Immigrant Communities: Connecting National and Local Contexts."
Abstract: Through using a violence framework, this talk will describe the recent Societyfor Community Research and Action's policy brief on the effects of deportation and forced family separation on individuals, families and communities (Langhout was the lead author of the brief). ICE raids, deportation, and forced family separation will be described as forms of direct violence that have negative consequences for entire communities. The talk will also provide examples of cultural and structural violence against immigrant communities in the Santa Cruz region, including in Langhout's youth participatory action research site, after the county's February 2017 ICE raids. Please note that the violence of the ICE raid will be described in some detail due to the nature of this talk. All audience members are encouraged to practice self-care.
About the presenter: Regina Langhout is Provost of Oakes College and a Professor in the Psychology Department at UC Santa Cruz. She is also affiliated with Latin American and Latino Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, and Community Studies. Her research examines empowerment in schools, neighborhoods, and the workplace. As a critical social-community psychologist, she is best known for her youth participatory action research with 9- to 12-year-old Latinx children. Indeed, she has been asked to speak about or has given workshops on yPAR with 8- to 12-year-olds across the Americas. Most recently, her yPAR work has focused on state-led violence against immigrant communities. She is a fellow of the Society for Community Research and Action.