Professional Title:
Quantitative Methods, Measurement, and Statistics (QMMS)
Research Interests:
Bayesian inference, structural equation modeling, hypothesis testing, missing & non-normal data
Ihnwhi is a doctoral student in Psychological Sciences with a specialization in Quantitative Methods, Measurement, and Statistics at the University of California, Merced. He is co-advised by Dr. Sarah Depaoli and Dr. Fan Jia. In 2021, he received his M.Sc. in Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. In 2019, he received his B.A. in Psychology at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. His research interests revolve around Bayesian inference, structural equation modeling, hypothesis testing, and missing & non-normal data. In addition, he is interested in developing methodological and statistical tutorials for substantive researchers. For example, he authored several statistics tutorials about Bayesian statistics in R, JASP, and jamovi (for details, please visit his personal website at https://ihnwhiheo.github.io/).
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